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At Victoria Villa our caring staff understands both the physical and emotional challenges people with age related conditions, including dementia or Alzheimer's Disease, will face.
Victoria Villa's professional team of physicians, nurses, nursing assistants, and recreational therapists are committed to working together to provide for the needs of our residents.
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Our Services
Assisted Living - Daycare - Independent Living
Our team is trained to help residents achieve the highest level of functioning possible while enhancing the quality of their lives.
Victoria Villa offers personalized care built on one's strengths, enhances positive self-image, and promotes autonomy. Residents benefit from our high staff-to-resident ratio.
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Home: Testimonials
Assisted Living

Victoria Villa will assist your familiy in integrating your loved one from home or hospital to our assisted living enviorment. We offer full medical attention to each resident, along with one of the best staff to resident ratios in the industry. At Victoria Villa, you will have peace of mind knowing your familiy member will be properally cared for. Residents are never left unattended and are encouraged to socialize and participate in various activities throughtout the day.

Research has shown that individuals suffering from varying degrees of dementia and Alzheimer's function more efficiently in an environment catering to their special needs. our 10 acre grounds provides for a spacious and secure movement around the facility, eliminating the trapped feeling one encounters in a "special locked wing". In this environment residents tend to socialize and interact more comfortably among others with similar disabilities.
Services for all residents of our facility
Spacious accomodation including private bathrooms
Catering with three meals a day
Two Daily Snacks
24 hour Nursing care
Religious Services
Laundry Services
Hair dresser once a week
Household and cleaning services
Weekly Supervised Bus-Tours
Full time Activities
Musical therapy
Animal therapy
10 acre natural setting
Bi-weekly physcian visits
And much more....
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